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Cristi Ann - Couple is making love in front of the video camera 18 Apr 07:00
A blonde with curly hair and some magnificent curves moves her ass towards her guys crotch. Her panties are moved to the side so the man could enter her snatch with ease. The honeys moves are graceful.
Teal Conrad - Brunette is dancing around naked in the garden 14 Jan 07:00
Tall babe with a delicious ass is doing a striptease outside. She takes off her lingerie and then dances around a pole. Watch her ass shaking while she is turning her back to us. Then she sits down on the floor to jack off.
Dana Weyron - Classy lady is making herself wet in this scene 24 Dec 07:00
Pretty girl is looking into the camera as she is massaging her clit. She is not shy at all about spreading her pussy lips in front of us. She wants us to see her every detail. It turns her on that men are turned on.
Aubrey Addams - Blonde and a cute brunette making out and sucking cock 22 Jun 07:00
Slightly tanned brunette making out with a good looking blonde with juicy lips before they get down on their knees and share a cock while handling and sliding it deep into their slits and mouths.

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